Amelie Graf
she/herMattering - paste & pour: Using residual materials from agriculture and food production in product design and architecture
Amelie Graf is a product designer with a specialization in biomaterial and circular design. During her master year at the University of Arts in Berlin, she developed new techniques for production of biomaterials and strong positioning. The result, the edible food packaging “Meal Bag,” was nominated as a finalist for the German Sustainability Award 2021, and Amelie received the title of Kultur-und Kreativpilotin 2021. Most recently, the project was exhibited at the International Craft Fair Munich and awarded the Talente – Meister der Zukunft 2022 prize. Since January 2022, Amelie works at Bags and More GmbH in Munich as a product developer and sustainability manager. Due to the CIRCE Fellowship, Amelie will now focus again on the development of new biomaterials and innovative concepts.
Every object is preceded by a substance – it determines how it behaves and influences the world in its becoming. The project “Mattering – Paste & Pour” aims to further explore the potential of biomaterials that Amelie developed in her master project “Mattering – Meal Bag”. The goal is to find sustainable and alternative materials to address the global food shortage and resource crisis. The project focuses on two strands: “Pour” and “Paste”. Both involve the use of agricultural and food production waste to create new materials. “Pour” aims to produce textile- and plastic-like surfaces, while “Paste” explores the potential of paste extrusion 3D printers. During the project Amelie will experiment with new biomaterial recipes and a 3D printer for food. The purpose is to promote a functioning circular economy and bioeconomy based on decentralized and demand-driven production. Innovative biomaterials, product concepts and their use cases will help to achieve this.