Sergej Bogatinoski
he/himSkillGenius - AI job hunter
Sergej Bogatinoski is a software engineer from Prilep, North Macedonia. He studies Software Engineering and Information Systems at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. Sergej has a notable professional background, showcasing a range of experiences and skills in the software engineering field, including positions as a Software Engineer Intern at Netcetera, Scripts Programmer, and Web Programmer at the Consumer Organisation of Macedonia. His technical expertise ranges from full-stack development to blockchain technologies.
SkillGenius is an innovative project designed to empower underrepresented groups, young people, students, freelancers, and self-employed individuals in the cultural and creative industries. The platform leverages AI-driven job hunting and skill enhancement tools to help users become more competitive in the job market. It offers personalized job recommendations, resources for skill development, and a forum for exchanging experiences and advice. I believe that by harnessing the power of AI, I can create personalized experiences, helping users navigate the job market more efficiently and effectively. Ultimately, my motivation is to help our users grow professionally, break down barriers, and promote diversity and inclusivity in the cultural and creative sectors. By doing so, I hope to contribute to a thriving and innovative environment within the industry that benefits everyone.