Panagiotis Tzannetakis (Pan)
"Unlikely partnerships": A platform for collaboration between CCE actors and other institutions
Pan collaborates with non profit organisations in designing projects and processes, and coordinating their implementation. In the past 8 years they’ve collaborated with more than 70 organisations in Germany, Greece, France, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kosovo, N.Macedonia, Turkey, and the UK. Pan holds a BSc in Architecture from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, and a BTEC in Art and Design from the Byam Shaw School of Art, Central Saint Martins. Maintaining an active interest in equitable urban development and the right to the city, Pan has co-organised educational workshops for the Development Planning Unit at the Bartlett, UCL, and contributed as a visiting critic to the Architectural Association AAxchange and Royal College of Art MA City Design programmes.
In the context of the CIRCE project, Pan is looking into how through the provision of a facilitated platform and the creation of ‘unlikely partnerships’, non-profit actors of the Creative and Cultural Economy can design projects that can spark the interest of donors operating outside the cultural sector. If you’re interested in learning more, you can drop a line on pan@sandboxprojects.org .