Fabian Frey
he/himAn edible exploration of culture, communities and urban change
Fabian Frey is a design researcher based in Zurich. He works on augmented reality with the Institute for Design Research at Zurich University of the Arts and has previously worked on speculative futures at the UBS Y Think Tank and on various digitisation efforts across the cultural field. Fabian’s search leads him from activating non-places and collaborative design efforts to questions about dialogues between humans and non-humans. He often engages as an active member in base-democratic sociocultural spaces in and around the city.
I am making sandwiches, an edible exploration of culture, communities and urban change. These shared sandwiches are acting as a method for community building, starting conversations, acting as trust-builders and sparking creativity in cultural contexts. As part of a sociocultural open space under development in Zürich I will investigate the potentials of this methodology and create recipes for others to use in their contexts. Through workshops, performative design, discussions and critical reflections I develop recipes for togetherness and creative collaboration. These recipes can be used and adapted in various contexts where community building and creativity are a goal. This practice-based approach will result in a recipe book for creatives, urban planners, community workers, cultural institutions and collectives that helps them find new forms of collaboration.