Alice Zhuravel
she/herTOZHSAMIST': a social initiative to promote diversity and equality in Ukraine by facilitating discussions on selfidentification, self- formation, culture, and future prospects
Alice Zhuravel is a social entrepreneur hailing from Kharkiv, Ukraine. She has a passion for learning and exploring different fields, particularly at the intersection of science and art. Her academic journey began at the historical faculty of the Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovoroda in Kharkiv, where she studied media art and 3D. However, the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine changed the trajectory of her career. Subsequently, she began working for a research organization, investigating the experiences of people suffering from crises. Ukrainian and Nigerian heritage led her to found Tozhsamist, a social project that aims to promote diversity and positive culture in Ukraine by sharing the personal stories of diverse Ukrainians.
Tozhsamist is an initiative that promotes diversity in Ukraine by facilitating discussions on self-identification, self-formation, culture, and future prospects with active individuals. Promoting diversity is the main goal. The second one is to support and promote positive cultural practices and initiatives that contribute to a better society. The third goal is to raise awareness about Ukrainian society for unfamiliar people from abroad. For now, Tozhsamist conducts interviews with individuals and creates content for a website and social media. Also, we aim to record video interviews, and podcasts and publish a book featuring stories of diverse Ukrainians.I believe this project is not just a platform for discussion, but a significant initiative for building a positive culture in Ukraine and out.