Entrepreneurial strategies in the context of the creative economies
The team of the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies looks at the topic of “entrepreneurial strategies” in the context of the cultural and creative economies and tries to broaden the perspective or to get out of traditional structures and offer alternatives. Through a better understanding of processes and practices of creative actors, new, tailor-made entrepreneurial opportunities and conditions can be created. Future developments are considered as well as the question how suitable strategies can be directed and created by the state.
Prof. Christoph Weckerle
Director of the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies
Prof. Dr. Simon Grand
Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer for Strategic Management and Management Innovation, University St. Gallen
Justin Wong
Political cartoonist
Roman Page
Research Fellow and data anylist, Zurich University of the Arts
Andy Schwendener
Doctoral student of “Organization and Culture” at the Zurich University of the Arts
Claudio Bucher
Research associate at the ZCCE