
With “Imagination as a cultural right”, Oyoun aims to develop recommendations for decision-makers in order to make public structures of cultural policy more equitable. Based on their own experiences with public administrative structures, the focus is on the further analysis of participatory funding approaches, transparent knowledge transfer and empowerment. As a critical collective, Oyoun works in an interdisciplinary way and collaborates with stakeholders at different levels to explore alternative models and transformative solutions using prototyping, speculative design and storytelling. The project team consists of eleven members of plural academic, practical and life experiences.


Ihisa Adelio, she/her

Co-Founder, Associate, Project Management

Lara Chahal, she/her

Team Production

Sophia Schmidt, any pronoun

Team Fundraising and HR

Dami Choi, she/they

Curatorial team, Assistant to CEO and Artistic Director, Project Management

Madhumita Nandi, she/they

Artistic Co-Director

Nina Martin, any pronoun

Co-Founder, Associate, Head of Fundraising & Socio-Culture

Louna Sbou, she/they

CEO, Artistic Director and Co-Founder

Nora Roho, she/her

Head of Production and Administration

Mithra Nezhad, she/her

Creative Technologist

Tariq Bajwa, he/him

Head of Communication

Gregor Dühr, he/him

Equal Treatment Representative, Antisemitism Expert, Team Production
